Advance Registration
Call Sandra at the Concord Baptist Association, 434-447-7240 or email by clicking on the “Register” button to the right.
8:30 AM – Light breakfast & Fellowship, Registration
9:00-10:00 AM – Welcome and Plenary Session
10:15 – 11:00 AM – Breakout Sessions
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM – Breakout Sessions (repeat)
12:00 PM – Dismiss
Plenary Session
The Future of Your Church is Already in Your Pews – facilitated by Matt Thornhill, Founder and CEO of Cozy Enterprises, Richmond
Many churches lament that they are not attracting young people and their future looks bleak. In this session, Matt Thornhill, national Boomer expert and author of Boomer Consumer, shares specific steps you can take to “activate” the Boomers already in your pews to grow the church. He’ll explain easy-to-implement strategies and tactics to reach the unchurched of every age in your community, tapping into the resources you have in your building already: Boomers.
10:15 – 11:00 AM – Breakout Sessions
Get Ready to Walk! Connecting with God and Others – facilitated by Rev. Cadance Tyler, Coordinator of Impact Mission Camps/Longwood and Hampden-Sydney BCM Campus Minister
Our connection to God, Christian community, and those outside our church walls are three important relationships in our Christian journey. This breakout will look more deeply at these relationships in Scripture, and it will help you develop a plan to create a balance between the three in your life.
Training Trail Leaders: Equipping Deacons to Minister – facilitated by Rev. Dr. Tom Stocks, Congregational Field Strategist Southside Region, Baptist General Association of Virginia
Deacons are struggling on the trail because they may be working off assumptions….and pastors, YOU are too! Let’s have a conversation around expectations that are conscious, spoken, attainable, and agreed upon so that we can become better trail leaders.
Gear to Guide the Journey – Leading effective Bible studies – facilitated by Dr. Allison Collier, Associate Pastor of Christian Formation, First Baptist Church, Richmond, Virginia
Go beyond the basics of Adult Bible Study and explore effective tips, tricks, and tools that will make you a more effective leader for all types of learners through in person and online small groups. You will come away with some practices, resources, and helpful reminders to help you engage learners, create space for deeper conversations, and stay on top of what really matters. You may also be helped by discovering new resources that other leaders have encountered.
Blazing New Trails – Reaching young adults and their families – facilitated by Welford Orrock, Kairos Initiative Coordinator, Baptist General Association of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
Every generation churches face new challenges and opportunities to engage families with young children in worship and discipleship. How can you creatively adapt your practices to meaningfully invite young families into your church communities? This session will focus on addressing trends in church participation for young families and explore different approaches to the unique spiritual and relational needs they have during this season of life.”
Sharing Your Faith as You Walk: Engaging in Conversational Evangelism – facilitated by Rev. Jerry Chiles, Barnabas Partner, Raleigh, North Carolina
Do we assume that people are ready to hear our faith story? In general, people today are hesitant around church folks. We must invest our time by first listening to a person’s story. As we develop a friendship, the opportunity will present itself to share. Jesus is our example of listening and storytelling. In this session we will sharpen our listening skills and refine our faith story.
Go Beyond Base Camp!: Motivating Others To Serve – facilitated by Rev. Steve Zimmerman, Founding Partner, Barnabas Partnership, Martinsville
Getting others to join in the faith journey doesn’t have to be so hard. There are wonderful ways everyone can benefit when it comes to broadening your impact beyond your base camp. In our time together you will come away with important biblical principles, strategic steps, and practical approaches to make this process go much smoother.