By: Rev. Steve Zimmerman
Other than the pollen, spring is a beautiful time of the year. In our front yard, color abounds! We now have white azaleas, red camellia blooms, royal purple and navy-blue irises, along with bright yellow and pink knockout roses that are just itching to bloom. Next month we will experience orange day lilies. We will certainly have some visual stimulation for the next few weeks!
There is one section that doesn’t have anything, though. The spot used to contain some of the azaleas. Now it is just dirt and weeds. I have been reluctant to put anything there yet. You see my dad grew up on the farm and he always followed the rule to never plant anything until after Easter. He must have known something because he always had a bountiful garden and beautiful flowers. Following his advice, you can be assured that there will be something planted in that area of the front yard before the end of the month!
This spring is also a good time to plant in your church’s ministry. The barrenness of the pandemic has exposed some places for new growth. Do you need to plant new ways to reach people for worship? Is it time to think about an online Bible study class or another new group outside of the traditional Sunday morning experience? What new ground do you see in your community where needs could be met by your congregation?
Of course, it will take some hard work and there may be some “weeds” that might need to be cleared when you start. However, the results will astonish you as you see what God can do in and through your work! In the end, it will all be worth it!!
These thoughts are from Rev. Steve Zimmerman, the founding partner in the ministry. He works alongside churches in their mission process and small group dynamics. He coordinates the work of the partnership out of Danville, Virginia. Contact him for more information about how he can help you.