Equip 217 – “Casting a Vision for Ministry”


8:30 AM – Registration and Fellowship
9:00 AM – Opening Session
9:15 – 10:00 AM – First Breakout Sessions
10:15 – 11:00 AM – Second Breakout Sessions
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM – Third Breakout Sessions
12:00 PM – Dismiss

9:15 – 10:00 AM – First Breakout Sessions

Counseling mental health issues from a Biblical perspective – facilitated by Valerie Carter-Smith, coordinator, Virginia Women’s Missionary Union, Richmond, Virginia

Mental Health 101

Gain an overview of the most diagnosed mental health disorders and the behaviors associated with each. The presenter will tell her own story as well as information on self-care tips.

Living out the Great Commission – facilitated by Rev. Kermit Evans, Scottsburg Baptist Church, Scottsburg, Virginia

The purpose of this breakout session is to define discipleship, look at Biblical patterns of discipleship, and find ways to incorporate discipleship into the church culture and structure for the purpose of making spiritual mature disciples.

10:15 – 11:00 AM – Second Breakout Sessions

Counseling mental health issues from a Biblical perspective – facilitated by Valerie Carter-Smith, coordinator, Virginia Women’s Missionary Union, Richmond, Virginia

The Role of the Church

Explore the role of the church in addressing mental wellness in worship and in ministries to include removing the stigma associated with mental health challenges. We will look at ministries that will benefit sufferers and their families/caretakers.

Building bridges to your neighborhoods – facilitated by Rev. Dwight Haynes – Evangelist, Good News Chalk Talks, Pulaski, Virginia

Explore how to reach your neighbors across the road from your home and church. It all begins with the heart of the pastor, then spreads to the heart of the church. Discover tools for building connections and fellowship that will help build bridges and dispel fears on both sides.

Your small Bible study group can do BIG things – facilitated by Dr. Rick Jordan, Barnabas Partner and President of Great Bible Teachers, Lewisville, North Carolina

One of the best ways to grow your church both in numbers and in faith is still found in small Bible study groups. Discover key elements in how to lead your group for life-changing experiences. Gain ideas on how your group can impact your community.

11:15 AM – 12:00 PM – Third Breakout Sessions

Counseling mental health issues from a Biblical perspective – facilitated by Valerie Carter-Smith, coordinator, Virginia Women’s Missionary Union, Richmond, Virginia

Accessing Resources

Discover community resources and how to access them.

Getting volunteers to volunteer – facilitated by Rev. Steve Zimmerman, Founding Partner, Barnabas Partnership, Martinsville, Virginia

The road to get people to say “Yes” doesn’t have to be so hard. There are wonderful ways everyone can benefit when it comes to volunteering. In our time together you will come away with important biblical principles, strategic steps, and practical approaches to make this recruiting process go much smoother.

Growing a younger church – Dr. Rick Jordan, Barnabas Partnership, Lewisville, North Carolina

Your church needs young adults. They need your church. But what you want and what they want doesn’t always match up. Let’s talk about what we can learn from churches planting “young adult seeds” for evangelism and church leadership. (Hint: You don’t have to mess with your worship service!)