Re-Imagine! 2023


2:00 PM – Registration Begins

2:30 PM – Welcome
Time to Re-Imagine
Dr. Michael Cogdill, retired dean of
Campbell University Divinity School

3:00 PM – Breakout Sessions

4:00 PM – Break

4:15 PM – Breakout Sessions

5:30 PM – Reconvene in sanctuary for evaluation

6:00 PM – Dismissal

Breakout Sessions

3:00 PM

Re-imagining Leadership for Polarized Timesfacilitated by Dr.
Cameron Jorgenson, Campbell University Associate Professor of
Christian Theology and Ethics

In these polarized times, the list of untouchable topics for
discussion is long. How might we begin to build conversational

Re-Imagining Spiritual Formationfacilitated by Dr. Rick Jordan, President of Great Bible Teachers and a Barnabas Partner
Your small group needs three key elements – Fellowship
Information, and Transformation. Learn the very practical ways
these goals can shape your teaching plan and the lives of your class members.

Re-Imagining Change for Your CommunityPanel Discussion led by Rev. Steve Zimmerman, Founding Partner of the Barnabas

Discover what churches are doing in connecting with their
communities where they serve. From your time, you will come away with some new ideas and resources to take back home and
implement in your church setting.

4:15 PM

Re-Imagining Change for Your Churchfacilitated by Rev. Thomas Allen, pastor of Angier Baptist Church, Angier, North Carolina
We are all aware of the dramatic changes taking place in our
communities. We also know that church is a place where people
seek stability in these turbulent times. In this session we will be
looking at some practical ways to engage your congregation in
dialogue about the changes without and within and discuss ways to
let the Holy Spirit “fill your sails.”

Re-Imagining Spiritual Formation – Dr. Rick Jordan
Lets look at samples of curriculum from several publishers of adult
Bible study and discuss why some are good, bad, or ugly. Learn how to adapt lesson plans to make them fit your teaching goals.

Re-Imagining Missions Across the Streetfacilitated by Dr. Bo
Prosser, church coach working with the Campbell University Fellowship
for Clergy in Rural and Underserved Areas
Churches in rural and small towns face challenges that are unique
in many ways. The good news, which is often left unsaid and
unclaimed, is that congregations in rural and small towns have
assets that are unique to their respective contexts. In this session
we will have a conversation on the Seven Capitals in your
communities. Through this exploration, your churches may discover the depth of wisdom found in rural communities and possibly learn a few things about how to do church across the street.

Cost: $100 per church

Each church pays one fee to cover the expenses of Re-Imagine.
This fee covers everyone from your church.
The deadline for registering is Friday, October 20.