

8:30 AM – Registration and Fellowship
9:00 AM – Opening Session
9:15 – 10:00 AM – First Breakout Sessions
10:15 – 11:00 AM – Second Breakout Sessions
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM – Third Breakout Sessions
12:00 PM – Dismiss

9:15 – 10:00 AM – First Breakout Sessions

Growing your small Bible study groups – facilitated by Dr. Rick Jordan, Barnabas Partner and President of Great Bible Teachers, Lewisville, North Carolina

Why do people attend a Bible study? Why do you want them to attend? What do you want them to give and receive? Learn about three keys to having a healthy and growing Bible study group.

Roll up your sleeves! – mission ideas – facilitated by Glenn Maddox, Impact National Missions Director, Baptist General Association of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia

There’s no shortage of mission project ideas out there. Why and how we do anything is as important as what we do, so our approach to mission requires more than just new ideas. This session will explore what it takes to become a church that can make use of all the mission ideas we encounter with a focus on engaging our community and meeting them where they are.

10:15 – 11:00 AM – Second Breakout Sessions

Planting for a younger church – facilitated by Dr. Rick Jordan, Barnabas Partnership, Lewisville, North Carolina

Your church needs young adults. They need your church. But what you want and what they want doesn’t always match up. Let’s talk about what we can learn from churches planting “young adult seeds” for evangelism and church leadership. (Hint: You don’t have to mess with your worship service!)

Nurturing young seeds – children’s and youth ministry – facilitated by Rev. Greg Hetherington, Minister to Children and Youth, Melrose Baptist, Roanoke, Virginia

Wondering how to initiate, restart, or reenergize your ministries to children, youth, and families? The last few years have forced us to reimagine how we do these ministries. This breakout will assist with: defining your ministry, understanding your ministry purpose, identifying core values, establishing Christian Education plans, implementing safety policies, and imagining ways to engage with your community. We will also have a time of idea and best-practice sharing.

11:15 AM – 12:00 PM – Third Breakout Sessions

Finding new workers for the harvest – facilitated by Rev. Steve Zimmerman, Founding Partner, Barnabas Partnership, Martinsville, Virginia

The path to find new workers doesn’t have to be so hard. There are wonderful ways everyone can benefit when it comes to joining in the harvest. In our time together you will come away with important biblical principles, strategic steps, and practical approaches to make this process go much smoother.

Roll up your sleeves! – mission ideas – facilitated by Glenn Maddox, Impact National Missions Director, Baptist General Association of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia

There’s no shortage of mission project ideas out there. Why and how we do anything is as important as what we do, so our approach to mission requires more than just new ideas. This session will explore what it takes to become a church that can make use of all the mission ideas we encounter with a focus on engaging our community and meeting them where they are.