
Cost: $200

Cost is per church. This fee covers everyone from your congregation. Register by Friday, February 14


3:00-3:45 PM – Welcome and Plenary Session
4:00 – 5:00 PM – Breakout Sessions
5:15 – 6:15 PM – Breakout Sessions (repeat)
6:15 PM – Fellowship Supper

3:00 – 3:45 PM – Plenary Session

Rekindling Your First Love – facilitated by Rev. Michael Duncan, Pastor, Grace Hills Baptist Church, Appomattox, VA

4:00 PM – Breakout Sessions

Breaking Down Your Hospitality Walls: How to Make a Better First Impression – facilitated by Rev. Steve Zimmerman, Founding Partner, Barnabas Partnership, Martinsville, Virginia

Your church constantly needs new life to help maintain the energy it needs to be the church God wants. Yet sometimes we quench the spirit without knowing it. During our time together you will come away with practical and spiritual ways to keep the fire going!

Rekindling Your Church’s Deacon Ministry – facilitated by Rev. Dr. Tom Stocks, Field Strategist Southside Region, Baptist General Association of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia

Let’s have a conversation around expectations that are conscious, spoken, attainable, and agreed upon so that we become better leaders. Our churches expect spiritual leadership from us… what are some priorities that should be outstanding?

Reconnecting with Young(er) Adults – facilitated by Rev. Alden Gallimore, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Altavista, Virginia

Many churches are full of senior adults who raised families, but now find themselves wondering where all the kids (or young people) have gone. While there are plenty of theories and statistics we could look at, there are things we actively can do about our declining ministry today. The root of this ministry is all about building relationships so we can model what it means to be set apart from the world. How your church chooses to reconnect is usually unique to your congregation’s strength. But the hardest part is convincing people they must get out of the sanctuary to do this. In our time together we will help you reconnect and rekindle your love for this up-and-coming group of adults.

Scarcity or Abundance: Options for Growing Financial Resources for Your Church – facilitated by Rev. Jeff Cranford, Church Financial Advisor, Baptist General Association of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia

A scarcity mindset leaves you feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and paralyzed. An abundance mindset leaves you feeling excited, motivated, and ready for action. They are opposites of each other, and we all have the choice to adopt one mindset or the other. In a time of financial constraints churches should use all appropriate options to receive the abundance God promises that we may abound in every good work.

5:15 – 6:15 PM – Breakout Sessions

Choose any session you could not attend at 4:00 PM..