What’s Next?!


3:00 PM – Registration and Fellowship
3:15 – 4:00 PM – Letting Go of the Past
4:15 – 5:00 PM – The Future of Your Church is Already in Your Pews
5:00 PM – Light Supper
5:30 PM – Closing Remarks
6:00 PM – Dismiss

3:15 – 4:00 PM – Letting Go of the Past

Facilitated by Dr. Martha Kearse, Pastor at Peakland Baptist Church, Lynchburg, Virginia
Churches need a good theology of change, which helps them to say good-bye to anything that no longer serves the church system, and to welcome new rituals, programs, and realities. We’ll look at ways into a theology of change and the advantages that offers to pastors, church leadership and the church as a whole.

4:15 – 5:00 PM – The Future of Your Church is Already in Your Pews

Facilitated by Matt Thornhill, Founder and CEO of Cozy Enterprises, Richmond, Virgnia         
Many churches lament that they are not attracting young people and their future looks bleak. In this session, Matt Thornhill, national Boomer expert and author of Boomer Consumer, shares specific steps you can take to “activate” the Boomers already in your pews to grow the church. He’ll explain easy-to-implement strategies and tactics to reach the unchurched of every age in your community, tapping into the resources you have in your building already: Boomers.