Hopefulness in Email

After my last post, it has caused me to be more hopeful with my email inbox. So many times in the busyness of each day, I see my emails as a bother or an interruption. I constantly remind myself to slow down and pay attention. Hopeful is an exciting way to live life.

I am reminded of a personal Christmas story: One year I received a ping pong ball in my stocking. I thought it was odd until I realized that a new ping pong table was in the garage! The next year I received a water ski vest, in my hopefulness I went to the garage to look for a boat! (It was not there)

Hopeful living gives each day a new step and a new potential from the normal everyday cycle of work. Emails can certainly be a bother, but sometimes nuggets of ideas, imagination and hopefulness just might be the gift God intends for you to receive.

Think about it!

These thoughts above are from John Daniels, our partner based out of Wilmington, North Carolina. His primary focus is working alongside churches in administrative challenges and opportunities. For more information about how he can help you, contact him at 910.899.6724 or [email protected].

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