
How My Vacation Changed Me

By: Rev. Dr. Rick Jordan I confess that most days, I walk through a day without much thought. Not that I’m ignorant or inconsiderate. But too often I do breeze through a day’s experiences without consideration of deeper insights. Sometimes, a shock to my system helps me realize that I need to ponder what I

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The Gift That Generates Income

By: Dr. Paul Raybon Last time I wrote about how seeing your church facilities as a gift to be shared can change how you do ministry and how you relate with your community. Churches can also use that gift to generate alternate streams of income. As churches we are rightfully wary of becoming profit-oriented and

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Your Building Is a Gift!

By: Dr. Paul Raybon My church, Hominy Baptist in Candler, North Carolina, is over 200 years old. We are a small-medium sized congregation, which in the post COVID world means about 150 folks participating in worship and/or ministry on a regular basis, and about half that number in worship on any given Sunday. Many churches

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What Is Your WHY?

By Rev. Dr. Hal Bilbo The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. – Mark Twain This statement is as true for your church as it is for you and me. The shorter Westminster catechism summarizes the why for followers of Jesus

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Who’s Moving?

By: Rev. Steve Zimmerman As we have been preparing to move from one house to another, we have seen God move again in our lives. For example, the first contract we had for the house did not pan out. However, we had a back-up proposal that offered $3,000 more than our asking price. They were

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By Rev. Steve Zimmerman We are on the move again! Our “corporate office” is relocating from Danville, Virginia to Martinsville, Virginia. The reason is to be closer to Angela’s work at her new church. This transition is also fortunate because my commute to the church where I am serving as interim pastor is about the

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No End in Sight?

by: Rev. Jerry Chiles What is an event or long-term situation in your life when you wondered if you would survive? You struggled against it and could see no end in sight. You may have wondered where God was. You may have even questioned your call to ministry. In John 6:10ff we find the story

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I Give Thanks

by Rev. Jerry Chiles But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.  We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.                   

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Here’s My Problem

By Rev. Dr. Rick Jordan If you read my last article, you know it was about a small problem I have with tardiness. I wrote the article, sent it in for publication, then struggled for a while. Should I have done that article? Does it make me look bad? Will people think less of me?

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