Fear makes us do strange things. Many times we react without thinking things through. Even nations do that. For example, look at what happen to the Russians when they began the Berlin Blockade today back in 1948. Someone said that this was one of the first modern tools to use mass starvation for political coercion. Stalin was fearful that if there was a strong Germany it would conquer the Motherland after two failed attempts. However, he overlooked the creative minds of the West in Britain and the United States.
Within a week “Operation Vittles” was making airlifts of food and coal to the millions of Berliners living in the western corridor. It didn’t take long for Russia to realize that they made a world-wide political blunder. Their actions galvanized the West, not only Germany, to be weary of what Moscow was doing.
Be careful where you put your invisible blockades toward others based on your fears. They don’t do you any good in the short or long-term. Maybe we need to revisit the words Paul shared with Timothy about fear – “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline. (II Timothy 1:7 NIV)
Up for any airlifts today? People are counting on you to bring the Bread of Life and Living Water to them!