Steve Zimmerman

Say What?!

By: Rev. Steve Zimmerman Years ago, as I was developing the partnership I also taught as an adjunct professor at the local community college. My primary class was Critical Thinking. I enjoyed my time with the students as I could see many of them for the first time discover and use critical thinking skills.  One […]

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Worth the Wait

By: Rev. Steve Zimmerman It’s finally happened! Our new luggage and airline tickets had been purchased and everything on our checklist seemed to be falling into place for the trip, until we were stopped dead in our tracks by COVID in April 2020. You see we were supposed to travel to North Africa to visit

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Who’s Moving?

By: Rev. Steve Zimmerman As we have been preparing to move from one house to another, we have seen God move again in our lives. For example, the first contract we had for the house did not pan out. However, we had a back-up proposal that offered $3,000 more than our asking price. They were

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By Rev. Steve Zimmerman We are on the move again! Our “corporate office” is relocating from Danville, Virginia to Martinsville, Virginia. The reason is to be closer to Angela’s work at her new church. This transition is also fortunate because my commute to the church where I am serving as interim pastor is about the

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It’s Time to Plant!

By: Rev. Steve Zimmerman Other than the pollen, spring is a beautiful time of the year. In our front yard, color abounds! We now have white azaleas, red camellia blooms, royal purple and navy-blue irises, along with bright yellow and pink knockout roses that are just itching to bloom. Next month we will experience orange

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