Music has been a major part of my life. Growing up you would find my dad always singing something. His range was from Southern Gospel to Grand Ole Opry and he didn’t mind letting us hear him. His motto was “Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord”. We agreed. It was noise!
Later on in life I was fortunate to marry a wonderful woman who has an ear for music. She was instrumental in our children choosing music as their degree in college. Sometimes as the children were learning how to master their instruments I had another opportunity to experience another kind of noise!
But this week in 1891 there was no noise coming out of Carnegie Hall. This was their official opening in New York City. All the musicians were in tune and played beautifully. Everyone played his or her notes and the place was transformed from just noise in a building to a work of art.
Pay attention to God today. He is the conductor in your symphony of life. He will lead you to be on key and make whatever you have beautiful. He has a good track record of making something out of nothing!