Waiting for Spring is Hard!

Tomorrow is the first official day of Spring. By the way things looked outside earlier this week, I just knew that someone had the wrong month on their calendar! Building a fire in the fireplace last night and crawling under the cover to get warm is not my way of welcoming in the new season. […]

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It Runs in the Family

Earlier this month I was sitting in Terminal C at LaGuardia Airport in New York City for a connecting flight to DFW. I had some time to wait. It gave me a good reason to get a bite to eat and experience New York for the first time. I just so happened to be facing

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A good way to end the week!

Thursday we sent our monthly newsletter, the E-ncourager, from the Barnabas Partnership. Below is just one of the feedbacks we got from one of our readers. Thanks for your comments. It is always good to hear from friends. They make our days! “Excellent points! I’m passing this along to some of our Sunday School teachers

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When words aren’t right

As a fellow who makes a living out of putting the right words together to get a message across, I have been reminded this week that simple words are not always best. My dad was from the Old School from the Old Country. He didn’t say the words, “I love you” very much. It just

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Thanks, Will!

Yesterday I was fortunate to preach at a local church. The pastor was out of town for some much needed vacation time. I was honored that he thought of me to fill in for him. After the service more than one person came up to me to thank me for getting the points across in

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Move It!

On this day in 1974 the world of comedy lost one of its special friends. Frank Sutton died of a heart attack. He did not grow up wanting to be a comic. But if you were alive during the 1960’s watching “The Gomer Pyle Show”, you could not help but chuckle every time that his

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#1 Really??

Sometimes being first in something is not really all it is cracked up to be! You may get the recognition but that may be about it. That was the case in 1951 on this day. CBS-TV carried a four hour long commercial program that was seen in color for the first time. It was broadcast

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Power over your fears!

Fear makes us do strange things. Many times we react without thinking things through. Even nations do that. For example, look at what happen to the Russians when they began the Berlin Blockade today back in 1948. Someone said that this was one of the first modern tools to use mass starvation for political coercion.

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